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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Good News!

i have few good news to share with you today....
first of all...i have finished doing my practical thingy in school! wow..time flies very fast i couldnt believe it's already 3 months!
i have done my final reports (thats why i couldnt write new post for my blog, azazura)and will submit to my lecturer this week...

secondly.... i got an offer letter to continue my study in my present university...i will be doing a master of science in Sociology...the class will be started in july...i'm so scared because this time i will be doing it all alone without my friends...but i am sure i can do it just will be tough to study and work at the same time...but with my family support and encouragement things will get easier...hopefully..

Thirdly...jeng!jeng!jeng! i received my posting letter on Teacher's Day...the school will be in Senawang.. its about 20 kilometres from my home! oh my...this is the best present i ever received on Teachers Day and i bet it was better than all the incentives the government going to give to all teachers this i can sleep peacefully and enjoy my 3 weeks holidays...!the only worries i had is..(kalau takde tak sah kan?) this school has 2 sessions...and i dont know where the admin will put me yet..there are pros and cons...but i do hope they will put me in the morning i'm crossing my finger!

with my former students...they are cute and cheerful.

finally i am really glad that everything turns out well for me...thank god...! and firends...thank you for your prayer and i do believe it worked!


CAO- Chef Azura othman said...

Hey finally! thats great news, way to go gurl!I wish you all the best and I bet you will be just fine without your friends , hey its time to make new ones eh!I can also go see you when I go to UPM.
So happy for you ! morning session , you have the rest of the day , afternoon session , you can wake up late ;o)

Lee said...

Hello Waliz, congratulations on going for your Masters. Gosh! Well done, girl! OUTSTANDING achievement! So happy for you.
And you getting a posting close to your home. Sure a lucky break.
That's a very nice photo, Waliz, and again I must say when you hold a dozen roses and look in the mirror, you'd see 13.
And the dress you wearing is beautiful...if I were to walk with you at a mall you wearing that dress with your exotic looks, I'll carry an umbrella as your beauty will make the water sprinklers come on, *wink*.
Stay easy Waliz, and stay gorgeous, Lee.

BillyWarhol said...

Hey Congrats Waliz!!

thass Fantastic U are finished yer Studies + now get to Study More!!

;)) xoxo Peace*

I can't believe U will be Studying in Canada!! This is a Dream come True!!

laily said...

Hi walliz stumble on your blog at u.Lee's. Congratulations for all your achievements.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Things are sure looking good for you Waliz!! Masters of Science?? You will be very capable, and I wish you the best. It's nice to see someone follow their dreams ... so inspirational :-)

Looks like models in the picture with you and the students. Great photo!!!!!
CU later,

waliz said...

thanks azazura...yeah i will make a new friends and see new lecturer...hope the gorgeous ones...hehehe..*wink* will be great if we can meet up one day in UPM....:D

waliz said...

hmmm u.lee....u never failed to impress me with your words...i am sure to remember that everytime i see a dozen of roses hahaha....and dont forget to bring the umbrella along coz its going to be a raining season soon...and i will be flattered to have u beside me carrying the umbrella....*wink*

thanks for dropping by u.lee..hope to see u soon!

waliz said...

Not yet billy...i'm just doing my masters..will go to Canada when i'm doing my pHD...:D

will u wait for me?

waliz said...

glad to see u laily...thanks for dropping by..hope to see u again...:D

waliz said...

hello speedycat...
with friend like u who always give me encouragement, i know i wont fail to achieve my dream....!

C U soon..:D

Anonymous said...

why you look younger than them cikgu.. :)

bluedreamer27 said...

great waliz nice to hear that from you
i wish you all the best and more success

waliz said...

eddyra..i dont have answer for your question...!

waliz said...

thank u bluedreamer...wish me always yeah?

bluecrystaldude said...

Wow... That's wonderful! My mom (which also a teacher -in case I forgot to tell you), had to drive 60km for her new school. Although she only will stay there for at most, a year, she has been complaining since forever..

I love mornings session better.. my mind still fresh and suci at that time.. hahahaha :)

HOpe to hear alot of good news from you soon! Back to study is the best news for me.. I know you are very keen to that.. friends come and go.. you could always find a new one :D

WoW said...

I don't know what to say except 'Congratulations, You did it'. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of your hard works.

Anonymous said...

seems that you've been blessed surely in correlation with great effort you've been doing, you deserve to get those success and I wish you all the best to your upcoming event and activity.
Talking about my sad last (sad) posting it comes from my deep concern of my people here in my country, it seems that religion is more into a symbol of a group of people who then think that they're authorized to judge other believer and pushing their agenda as the majority in everything, it's scary actually instead of sad and it's the true stupidity in understanding about religion and for me is an absolute idiot and embarrassing. Cheers

waliz said...

i agree wth u..morning session is so much better...longer rest period..must be tough for your mom blue...but tht is our duty..want or dont want we have to face it...i was consider lucky but i did going up and down Education Department few times to make sure i get near to my place....hehehe..just to make sure they fed up to see my face..and just gimme wht i want..!

waliz said...

thanks wow..u dont have to say anything but i know u will always wish the best for me...have a nice day!

waliz said...

hi Bali..thanks for your comment...i know u r a good citizen thts why u feel tht way...well we always want the best for everybody, we will work hard for it, we pray for it...but there's just so much we can do...rambut saa hitam hati lain2...

hope to see u again soon..take care!

Mazza Homemade Cookies said...

it seems that everything is going well for you, hope it will continue...good luck on your Msc...oh I thot you want to come to Perlis?..

waliz said...

hello myfisol...i can consider myself very lucky....and about posting to Perlis...errr not that i dont want to go but i didnt get any offer...hehehe..maybe next time okay!

MOLY said...

wahhh .. walizzz !!!
congratulations ;)

u deserved it u know ...
wish u all da best
so happy for u

waliz said...

thanks lilyyyyy....!
maybe i should give myself a treat...err trip to Bandung sound not so bad....hehehe.

neomesuff said...

Good news babe good news!!!!! Very fortunate!

All the best in your future undertaking ( a tag line used during schooltime when writing an autograph book/scrap book ) ahahahhaa

waliz said...

neomesuf..u r back! my tagline was..wish u all the best and good luck for your future...! hahaha....similar isnt it?


bluedreamer27 said...

hello waliz im done with the blog idol slide show hope you like it
have a great day

Anonymous said...


kiut wooooooooooooooooo
student u tu.....

nak kirim salam dah tak sempat dah...

Baguih Dok Ada..........

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you my are smart as well as wonderful..and now you are going for your masters wow..good luck with that..what an achievement..

coolingstar9 said...

congratulations on going for your Masters.
Great, you can have more knowledge.
Enjoy your work and study.

waliz said...

hi blue...thanks for the blog idol was awsome!

waliz said...

jgn nak ngorat my student kat sini ye? hihihi...

waliz said...

glad to see u again maunie...
we pray for each other happiness yeah?

waliz said...

thanks coolingstar...
i hope can do both very well...see u again soon!

Rolando said...

Congrats with all the good news Waliz! I'm sure you have a weight lifted off your shoulders now.

I'm sure you'll do great! Good luck on your continued success.

waliz said...

thanks ro...! hope to get more good news after this! have a nice day...:D

arsaili said...

cute jer dia org

waliz said...

kiut miut arsaili kan?

Anonymous said...

im crossing my fingers and toes too, insyaallah, pray for what you want, eventually you'll get it....... :)

Anonymous said...

I thought they were sending to New York!? :-)
Congratulations on all your success!!

BillyWarhol said...

aRE U on Sabbatical??

A Day without Waliz is like a Day without Sunshine!!

;)) xoxo Peace*

waliz said...

crossing your toes azra? will works..let see...

waliz said...

New York have to wait Zen...maybe when i retire...hehe!

waliz said...

billy...i'm still here...u miss me huh? tell me the truth hahaha...*wink*

waliz said...

i dont know wht u talking baout bernard...pls elaborate!