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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Marital Counselling

A husband and wife went for counseling after 20 years of marriage. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a passionate, painful tirade, listing every problem they had ever had in the 20 years they had been married.

She went on and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable; an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had endured over the course of their marriage.

Finally, after allowing this to go on for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked around the desk and, after asking the wife to stand, embraced and kissed her passionately as her husband watched with a raised eyebrow. The woman shut up and quietly sat down as though in a daze.

The therapist turned to the husband and said, "This is what your wife needs at least three times a week. Can you do this?"

The husband thought for a moment and replied, "Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on Fridays, I fish."


Anonymous said...

If only solving marital problem is as easy as that, there will be many happy busy hubbies playing golf or fishing and desperate wives don't get to feel unloved anymore. Anyway that's a good joke , such a blurr giler husband.

waliz said...

yeah...i agree wth u will be more loving place to live ...hehehe

Anonymous said...

What you really need gal? The 56 things to make woman happy?

Oh come on....

Nisha said...

Great joke.. you always come up with great posts ;)

waliz said...

hey eddyra..u r back! like u know me very well already...aha!

waliz said...

thanks nisha...i dont want to sound sad all the time...*wink*

waliz said...

thanks nisha...i dont want to sound sad all the time...*wink*

Anonymous said...

Hi, I came through your site , I really don't wanna sound like spam but hey, would you like to link my site, we are emerging SEO Specialists / PHP developer from India, I’ll show my link love to you from my Pr5 sites :)

Let me know if you are interested.


Email: -

Anonymous said...

hahaha... Thank you for the good laugh Waliz. :-)
I should have become a marriage therapist! Hehe.

waliz said...

yeah u should zen...good food and good therapy...ehem! wht a damn good combination! wannabe your first client...hehehe

Anonymous said...

Hi, I came through your site , I really don't wanna sound like spam but hey, would you like to link my site, we are emerging SEO Specialists / PHP developer from India, I’ll show my link love to you from my Pr5 sites :)

Let me know if you are interested.


Email: -

bluedreamer27 said...

oh how i wish my parents would not undergo that stage and me too in the future

waliz said...

ok problem..:D
let me know after u done!

waliz said... bluedreamer...nobody wants to go through that....hehehe

bluecrystaldude said...

Wait a minute. The therapist is man or woman? hahaha.. *evil grin*

Hey, marriage counseling is not that bad. At least, we have done our best to save the marriage right? hehe

I don't mind if my parents or myself go to marriage counseling, but if they don't, it's better :)

Srikanth Siva said...


Val said...

Hi! Hope you have a great holiday weekend my friend!

waliz said...

mind boggling dude? hehehe...
actually counseling doesnt mean u just having a problem...some just want some advice or guidance...
but to tell u the truth we are not as advance like counsellors in US...they have licence to do and can charge an exorbitant price too...:D

waliz said...

hi srikanth...(your name like my fav indian star..*wink*)


waliz said...

happy holidays val...take care!

neomesuff said...

i also want to become marriage therapist hehehheheeee

waliz said...

bestkan neomesuf jd therapist...hal rumhtangga org sume kita tau...hehehe...oooppps!

Nisha said...

Hi waliz.. that manoj is not a real person, its spam.. i got that person commenting on my blog too..

There are lots of these things going on these days, we better be careful..

waliz said...

thanks nisha...
he sound unfamiliar so i decided not to respond his comment...!

shiera (bisdakbabbles) said...

haha! that's hilarious!
but I think it's true. Women may rant a lot but if her other half do simple things to comfort her - flowers and surprise dates could do wonders!

waliz said...

women love flowers..rite shiera?