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Sunday, August 24, 2008

No Idea...

i just finished enjoying my school break..its time to go work tell u the truth, i cant wait to go to school again...there is so much things to do and yet so little time i got..sound so busy huh..but i bet all of u also feels that way..sometimes i wish i have more than 24 hours in a day but it's impossible..sometimes times fly very fast sometimes it is so my case, i need more time..i have to juggle my time between work and was different when i was a full time carefree and i was enjoying it every moment...sigh...!

but i managed to go to Melaka and attended my cousin's wedding...:D

with my beloved sis...

Selamat Pengantin Baru.....

and i really have no idea at this moment...thats why i put it as my title above...!and for TSS...thanks for encouraging me to write this post..your comment had made me going!


Unknown said...

I am blank and blurry also right now huhu :)

waliz said...

we are in the same boat Akmal...:D

bluecrystaldude said...

God, I am so out of my hand handling my times. The workload has been increase thrice since the U implemented Objective Base Education (OBE). We have to do most of the works, discussion sessions to attend (that usually took most of my night times) and assignment, and all those exams too.. Sigh. Well, I do enjoying all the hustle and bustle of students life, but sometimes, lecturers need to be more understanding. huhuu

I wish your cousin a happily ever after marriage life! LOL, it may sound cliche, but I guess it is the must say :)

Take care Waliz!

mkaw77 said...

is it?? i'll inform him bout this. TSS.. u make me proud la..!!

CAO- Chef Azura othman said...

someone cant wait to go to work he he ,,,oh yeah its musim kahwin now and u cant imagine how many little tokens have i made last week ..sampai kebas jari jemariku.

waliz said...

listen to in campus is the most exciting time in your life..eventhough i do understand (i've been through that once, remember?)your workloads..students are meant to complain and the lecturer means business here...

now i know u wont listen much but i believe when u start working u will know wht i me! so enjoy...!

u take care too...the OBE sounds like japanese foods to me...hehehe

waliz said...

mohd kamal,
yeah, yeah...pls inform him as fast as u can...this post wont be here forever...hehehe..thanks!

waliz said...

now wedding can be so happening...when i was a kid i only brough home an egg but now kena bawak beg besar to put all the tokens..handkerchief la, sweets, small vase, potpourri, apples...u name it!

Anonymous said...

tell u the truth ma, everyday is a blur day, except payday!!! anyway I've picked your blog as my first blogging journey. visit

waliz said...

i agree wth u 100% tomyam..
hey..thanks for choosing me of all the blogs...!

bluedreamer27 said...

oh marriage how sacred it was im happy for your cousin waliz and i wish all the best for them
and im glad your back
have a great day

mkaw77 said...

When i'm blur & no ideas, i always said to myself "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"... hi&peace :P

Srikanth Siva said...

Waliz, it would be interesting to read 1 day of ur life as a teacher in a classroom...take pictures of ur kids etc....

arsaili said...

hi..back to school yeah...back to routine..enjoyyyy

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up for being able to do two things at the same time - work & study. I don't mind study as long as NO exam. Exam makes me don't want to continue my study even if I want to. The sight of failure discourage us to think out of the box.

PoOr PrInCe said...

well its really hard to manage or schedule
our professional social spiritual life actually it sometimes contradict to each other well for me you just have to learn how to priorities

waliz said...

u scared of mariages or what? afraid to take the responsibility huh? i am sure u can manage well..u r such a wonderful person to peoples around u...must be good to your life partner as well...:D

waliz said...

kamal..i love your statement...
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are"

*quote of the week*

waliz said...

i will one day srikanth..but i dont teach anymore..counsellor only gives counselling and guidance...:D

waliz said...

i hate routines arsaili..
but what to do.. i dont have enough capital to start a u want to be my business partner?hehehe..kidding...

waliz said...

u dont call it 'study' if u dont have to sit for an exams...maybe dengar or give ceramah like our politicians love to do? oooopppppsss!!!!

waliz said...

u r right poor prince,
must list out our tasks and give priority to what we should do first...sound easyyyyyy...heheh!

Anonymous said...

Oppsss.. ha ha. I just thought that it will be better to do without exam. Grade should be counted through assgn. paper, in-class contributions attendance, etc. I think student at higher instituion level should be taught using method that more similar to their would be work place. More practical approach i'll suggest.
Exam for me is more suitable in primary and secondary school.

bluedreamer27 said...

hello waliz how are you just dropping by here to say hello and God bless

Anonymous said...

It's always good to be busy and have so many things to do as this will keep you young :-)

But do take a good care of your health and listen to your body when the body feels tired the mind will tell you :-)

Wish for all the best for you, cheers

bluedreamer27 said...

hello waliz wazz up my now celebrating my first anniversary here in the blogosphere
and i got something for you in my blog
thanks for being a part of my blog i treasured every moment you spent there
have a great day

waliz said...

hahaha...i agree wth u but that will be on our dream ismail...:D

waliz said...

hi bluedreamer..nice to see u here!

waliz said...

hi balidreamhome...
i like your can keep us young and i do believe that!

waliz said...

happy anniversary bluedreamer...
time flies very fast ya? and i'm going to your blog now to see wht it is!