Proper names are poetry in the raw, said the W.H. Auden. "Like all poetry, they are untranslatable." Mapping your name onto yourself is a tricky procedure indeed. We exist wholly independently of our names, yet they alone represent us on our birth certificates and gravestones.
Would a Rose by any other name be just as sweet-tempered? Does Orion feel cosmically special? Psychologists, parents and the world's Oceans, Zanes and Timothys are divided on the extent to which first names actually matter.
well, i was curious about my name too..i did asked my mom when i was small...why she named me "Norwaliza"...she smiled, patted my head and told me ..because i was their first born so they wanted to make it special.. thus combining their name together would be a great idea that time...'Wa' stand for my dad's and 'Za' stand for my mom's ...both was their first two alphabets.... hmmmm...very touchy....thanks for naming me such a unique and beautiful name...
most people..regarding new or old friends..will call me Liza but... when i went to boarding school at the age of 12, my friends or my clique decided' Liza' was too common then..after few meetings and head banging brainstorming sesions..we agreed on 'Waliz'...hmmm and i fell in love with the name instantly...till now my friends from old school call me Waliz...Nazli,Terq, Claudie...thanks!
Out of curiosity, i decided to type my name in google search and i found out there was a factory in Australia named WalizNuts which claimed "We are one of the very few growers worldwide that produce and process
our own macadamia nuts on our family plantations in the Cape Byron
Hinterland of Australia. Waliz Nuts have been producing macadamia
nuts of the highest grade since 1989." hmmm dont laugh guys...atleast i have my own macademia nuts factory...hehehe
Then i try to find out what's my monster it is..
Your Monster Profile |
![]() Iron Vampire You Feast On: Tofu You Lurk Around In: Closets You Especially Like to Torment: Priests |
Then finally ..what's my foreign names in this following countries :-
United Kingdom = Azurine McDonald ( i like this best..)
USA = Jody Schmidt
Arab Saudi = Hunaidah Jamil
Japan = Kikumi Yamamoto
India = Brinda Jain
France = Tiffney Thomas
Hmmm.... not a bad name after if an Iron Vampire comes lurking in your blog..dont be's me...! i just wanna say helloooooo....! and unfortunately for me...i'm a vegetarian monster eating solely on tofu and errrr... priests!! you will be safe..dont worry..hahaha!
hey waliz..or should I call you claudia, terz , nazli or IRON VAMPIRE. Last one sounds nice ..;)..just kidding ..You got a unique and tweet name WALIZ, except that WALIZNUTS..:D.
I also checked my monster name and it's IRON DEMON..woww..that was cool. take care and have fun ..
Dann the Iron Demon...hehehe..just kidding...claudia,terq and nazli are my exclassmates in school...
waliznuts...yeah..that sound crazy..:D
thanks, u take care to...
hehehe im WAR BUTHCHER nice to meet you IRON VAMPIRE
my real name is milton
and i just found out that im with the samr name with one of the manufacturer of sacrabbles
howi wish i can put john in the first of milton
i like to be compared with john milton hahahah
well have a nice mounstrous name see yah
Nice to meet u too War Butcher..!
hmm..let me give u an time when u have a junior..u put John as the first name...
and could u pls send me new set of scrabbles...hehehe...
and in return i will sens u a box of macademia nuts..bluedreamer..see ya soon..
oops sorry waliz..I mistaken your frens name as your name ...SORRYYYY...;).. Have a great time IRON VAMPIRE.
By the way can you walk in day light?....;)
its ok Dann...
yes..i can walk in daylight coz' i'm wearing Gucci sunglasses...hahaha..gotca!!
awesome waliz..Now I can call you DAY WALKER..;) ..
Hajimemashte Kikumi Yamamoto san! ^_^
whatever Dann...but u will like me better when i'm Waliz.. girl next door type...hahaha...
harigato Kento...
述べている私は白いu を... 知らない
from Kikumi Yamamoto...hahaha ;)
Wicked Ghoul
Feast On: Jack and Coke
Lurk Around In: Roller Rinks
Especially Like to Torment: Hippies
guess who am I?
ha ha ha ha, i'm 'infamous worm'
Infamous Worm
You Feast On: Armadillos
You Lurk Around In: The Empire State Building
You Especially Like to Torment: Groupies
and waliz, if you liked this, you'd also like
that is my all time favorite, try it and you'll never forget me. I loved it since five years :)
according to it, you are
W.A.L.I.Z = Wireless Artificial Logical Infiltration Zombie
and waliz, you know how i got my name?? NAVIN.. i'm newly born kid in family and my father named me NAVIN which means NEW ...
you are WOW!!!! hahaha...
did i guess u right wicked ghoul..can we share the jack and coke?
Navin..u r a worm??? hehehe..and how on earth would u know that i'm going to choose the sexy robot as my avatar...hmmmm mind boggling...
btw nice name u got and suit u well...thanks for sharing ths wth me...
very informative...I got to try mine..
have you try the waliznuts product?..who know, you might be their product ambassador..
another genius suggestion from u myfisol...i will try to contact them later hahaha...and ask them hey 'u r using my name without permission..i sue u!! if u take me as yr ambassador we can settle out of court'..ok or not?:D
Mine is "Lethal Claw"
You Feast On: Peanut Butter
You Lurk Around In: Shopping Malls
You Especially Like to Torment: Dentists
well, i don't like dentist anyway. lol
oh no problem, share your tofu also. I like tofu.
very do you find out your monster name...I'm sure I would eat only bad
bluecrystaldude...what?? lurking in shopping mall?? take me along wth ya...pleasssseeeee....
ok.. ok go for a picnic then...i bring lots of tofu okayyy..?
maun..u soo all the bad people huh??? hehehe...
i find my name quite sexy ...hehehe
Hi Waliz, I love your name, firstly its so original, secondly it sounds nice, and thirdly it matches your gorgeous looks.
Wow! This is one of the most interesting posts I've come across. You are very eloquent and sentimental same time.
You are the kind of lady if I was 35 years younger, will release my handbrake,
'Hendak buah si manggis hutan,
Masak ranum tergantung tinggi.
Kalau tuan pergi ke bendang,
jangan petik buah rumbia,
Tuan laksana bulan yang terang,
Cahaya liput serata dunia'
Waliz, you have a nice evening. UL.
ps, ada senang come for coffee, have replied your comment, looking for a smile from you. Lee.
hehehehe here comes the Brutal Darkness!!!! ;D
Very interesting Waliz...I like your UK name best too.
Hey Waliz, that's good you asked the origin of your name. Your is cool. Mine wasn't too original. I was named after a cousin :(
Your UK name is nice and unique too. Never heard of that one before.
Are you giving out free nuts from your factory? lol
You don't want to know my Monster Name. It sucks! :(
I see the Iron Vampire has visited my blog already, lol
Ahhhhh...i'm scared! :-)
I have no tofu on me ...i swear! Spare my life iron vampire!
huh?... Waliz nuts factory? Are you after my nuts waliz?hahahahahahahahaha
your parents are so sweet..combine their name to create a beautiful name for you..ummm!!waliznuts is base in which country???Now you own a factory huh!:)
norwaliza... what a special name :)
never known anyone with the same name u know..
u should be proud with the name babe :)!!! i'm speechless...u remind me of P.Ramlee macho and gentleman...and a beautiful pantun/poem too..jeeez thanks!
see ..i told ya..guys need to learn more from you..u just proved it!! but be careful wth yr handbreak u.lee...hope u service it from time to time...hahahah:D
i'm smilin' now,i'm smilin'...i will come and get my coffee...
Brutal Darkness..your majesty.. wht would u like for dinner??
thanks day if i get a new pet..i will name her azurine..! nice...
sweetpie..i'm really grateful to have such a wonderful parents..
err waliznuts in day i will go and have a visit...
yeah...i hope in 2008 my businss will booming..hahaha.
When your business booms in 2008, don't forget your lowly friends of the blogosphere.
But I was really curious about your name. Now I know :) I think the character of a name is very important.
rolando...yr cousin must be proud to have u as a cousin..u r very successful in US...and i guess he's still in yr dad's hometown?
ohhhh please..tell me yr monster name..couldnt be soooo
i wish i can give everybody who has visited my place a packet of they become nutty and keep coming again...hahaha
and be prepared for my next visit..lots of tofu..will ya?
zen..why u always have this thinking tht i'm after your nuts huh???? but if u want to give i will take and do whatever i please wth it....hahahaha..
hannan..never? r u sure? not even in Kelantan and up to moscow??
wow! thanks babe..
vegetarian monster...haha...u funny! u remind me of the cartoon movie Shark Tale with Will Smith, where one shark is a vegetarian, thats why wont eat other fish!
i think your name (waliz) is very unique, i only know one!
By the way...i'm psychotic hunter! haha...i feast on peanut butter, i lurk around in nude beaches and i like to torment my evil twin...hahaha
I love Reading Poetry in the Raw on a Nice Nude Beach*
Jazebox..u watch Shark tale too??
i always thought i'm the only Waliz until i stumble upon the nuts factory...sigh.
thts sooooo uuuuuuu....!but i dont believe u eat solely on peanut butter ...;)
Billy...u can invite zen to read poetry on a nice nude beach...he will loves that..really!
Hello waliz... I wish I know too what my name stands for... hmmmnnn... I tried researching online about my name and the definition somehow said about me, but not all...
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lol. I can't take you to the mall right now as i am still waiting for my dad upgrade my credit card limit. *sigh*. i really hope he will find time to do it before new year. if he manage to do so, i will definitely buy you a gift instead of just lurking around shopping malls. all my girlfriends would be jealous. :DD
Funny thing is that I never met the cousin I was named after. He's in my dad's hometown, you're right and I've never been back home, lol. Some day :)
My monster name is too embarrassing. It's not cool like yours :)
I name has gotten shorter over the years. It went from Rolando to Row to now just Ro, lol.
no darling, i don't feed exclusively on peanut butter :-P
hye... whatever name our parent gave will perfectly reflect us somehow..amazing ...!
bluecystaldude..i pray yr credit card will function by tonite..trow still have time to do some shopping okayyy? alright!!
can i call u Ro too? its easier to type...hehehe..
its ok if u dont want to mention yr monster name...
psssstt ...i guess u also one of the monster who's lurking in the nude kidding! hahaha...dont mad at me..dont mad at me!
ahaaa zen...! gotcha!! whatever it is..must be satisfying!!! hahaha
As long as Zen Chef looks like Padma Lakshmi that would be just Fine!!
Hi Waliz!
I think this is the first time I've been to your blog.... I have seen your comments elsewhere many times, and decided to stop in and say hello.
I love how you were named as a child, it carries a special significance. You have to tell me though, do you really feast on tofu?? :-)
hi speedcat hollydale...
thanks...finally u have the urge to visit my blog today...hehehe
actually i'm not only feast on tofu but lots of meat too...
pssstt thts my secret...!
billy...zen looks like padma laksmi? hahaha...salman rushdie will get another heart attack!!
Yes of course you can call me Ro, lol. So you got to the same beach that I do? hahaha. What day are you going this week?
hahahaha Ro..yeah i got the same beach like u do...btw i i'm going on the 1st jan 2008 (today)..and i heard u have to go to work...tooo bad!
Darn I'm always late as usual :( Work always getting in the way, lol. next visit going to be next year...make sure u apply for leave for that day huh?
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