everytime i hear this song 'i feel good' during ntv7 commercial break, i feel good..why? maybe the way the singer sang the song made my spirit uplifted..but how we can define this 'i feel good' spirit..lets me share you this story....
While on Earth, the elder brother discovered that money could buy him things, which permitted him to feel good. So he decided to amass a fortune, thinking that the more money he had, the more he'd be able to feel good. Now there is nothing wrong in having money; but for him, money became the finger pointing to the moon. He had forgotten about the moon and the beautiful sights of Heaven. His obsession was so intense that he felt anxious, aggressive, and suspicious whenever he felt threatened by the loss of his money. The beautiful sights of Heaven were replaced by the little finger that made him feel bad. He had mistaken the finger to be the moon.
Meanwhile, the younger brother felt good lying all day on the beach and making whoopee at night. He had discovered the sea, sex, and sun, and took life easy. He simply went fishing whenever he was hungry.
Now, initially these two men wanted to feel good, but did not take the same vehicles to reach their objectives.
They later compared notes on the Other Side. The one obsessed by money, who had thought that money would bring him all the goodies, failed miserably to attain his objective on Earth. He depended too heavily on one source - money.
Though he had little money, his younger brother scored remarkably well; he felt good most of the time while on This Side. He had no worries, was carefree, and appreciated what he had. It was real paradise for him!
for me, i would love to be like the younger brother...i would take whatever comes along and satisfied with what i have rather than pinning of something tht i couldnt have...like an iPhone...no use if i owned one but i cannot use just because its unuseable here...the iPhone has to be 'unlocked' or 'cracked' so it can be used wth local mobile networkks...sighh...i will just have to wait till next year..thats wht Apple's promised us...feel good waliz...feel good..
You can feel good all day long and control a situation by focusing on the things you have and on what you can do with what you have. You have eyes, legs, tongue, Google or Yahoo, friends..real or virtual, competencies, driver's license... The list can be very long!!!so..to make me feel good all day long, i have to bear wth my sonny ericksson (pda next), my compact laptop ( sony vaio next), my old bimmer (errr still not decided...), my guess handbags (i'm eyeing Coach now),and hush puppies (jimmy choo...i'm cominggggg..)
I feel good na,na,na,na,na,na...Whoa-oa-oa!
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got you
Whoa! I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you ......yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!